How to Turn Your Home into a Sanctuary

How to Turn Your Home into a Sanctuary

If your relationship with your home has changed over the past year and a half, you’re not alone. It’s only natural that how you view your space has evolved after spending so much time in it, and you may find yourself craving more ways to disconnect, relax, and practice self-care. Here’s how to easily transform your home into a personal sanctuary with products you can pick up either online, or at our Granville storefront in Vancouver.

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In the bedroom

Your bedroom should be the most peaceful space in your home in order to maximize rest. To turn it into a true oasis, block out distractions like light, create ambience with scent, and put positive thoughts in your mind before sleeping rather than checking social media. 

 Try the luxurious feel of B Yoga’s Silk Eye Pillow or Silk Sleep Mask to provide complete darkness to help you stay asleep, and House of Hecate diffusers and candles help create a calming aura. Use their Vancouver scent featuring bergamot, which is thought to lower heart rate and blood pressure. Finally, instead of scrolling endlessly on your phone before bed (the blue light has proven negative effects on sleep), stock your nightstand with books that motivate self-growth, like Untamed by Glennon Doyle and Atomic Habits by James Clear

Need more new reads? These inspiring books will change your outlook on life.


In the living room

You can bring more peacefulness into this space by dedicating an area or corner to well-being. First, set the mood with aroma: light one of Canvas Candle Company’s welcoming scents, like Spa Samui or Slow Sunday. Carve out a spot for yoga or resistance training with B Yoga’s The Build Bands for a light workout, or create a meditation corner with one of their meditation cushions for sitting with ease. 

 Not sure how to start meditating? Apps like Insight Timer and Headspace can get you going. You can also try incorporating crystals into your routine, whether by holding one during meditation, creating an altar, or placing them on your body. 

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In the bathroom 

The aim here is a spa-like experience, which means comforting scents and luxurious bath products. Conscious Skin Care’s Salt Soak and CBD Bath Bomb turn even a weeknight bath into a heavenly ritual, and for headaches and muscle tension, try their Holy Roller containing CBD oil. More of a shower person? Slather on Céla’s Black Gold coffee scrub beforehand, and their Crème de la Crème light moisturizer afterward for silky smooth skin.

If you’re seeking more self-care ideas, try these DIY beauty treatments with ingredients from your kitchen.

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